The Ben J. Lipps Research Fellowship Program application is currently closed.

Ben J. Lipps Research Fellowship Program Application

The deadline to apply is Thursday, December 5, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. EST.


The goal of the Ben J. Lipps Research Fellowship Program is to fund nephrology fellows to conduct original, meritorious research projects. This program will foster the training of fellows, under the direction of a sponsor, who are highly motivated to make contributions to the understanding of kidney biology and disease. This Fellowship serves to establish the beginnings of an independent career.


Please note that the eligibility criteria have been updated.

Fellows may submit a proposal that examines any aspect of the entire spectrum of kidney biology and disease. KidneyCure especially encourages applications from women and members of underrepresented minorities in medicine (as defined by AAMC). A maximum of two applications per sponsor/mentor/principal investigator will be accepted during any given application cycle.

To apply for a Research Fellowship, a candidate:

  1. Must hold an MD, DO, PhD, or equivalent degree.
  2. May not have completed more than five years of research training after the completion of the MD, DO, equivalent degree, or three years of postdoctoral research training after the PhD degree at the time of the activation of the award, July 1, 2025. A 12-month extension will be considered per childbirth during the respective five-year or three-year training periods. Women, men, and those who adopt are eligible for the extension. The candidate must still be a fellow at the time of award activation. To be considered for an extension, please email
  3. Cannot have or have had at any time a nephrology-related or basic science faculty position at any academic institution; instructor-level positions are permitted.
  4. Must complete research under the direction and mentorship of a sponsor. However, the research objectives proposed by the candidate must clearly be different than the research of the sponsor/mentor/principal investigator.
  5. Must be a member of ASN at the time of the fellowship application (Membership Type: Fellow/Trainee). The sponsor of the candidate must also be an ASN member at the time of the fellowship application.
  6. Cannot hold another full individual fellowship award such as another foundation fellowship or grant or a post-doctoral research fellowship from the National Institutes of Health at the time of award activation (July 1, 2025). However, a candidate's institution may supplement the support provided by KidneyCure.
  7. Must be working in North or Central America, or the Caribbean during the fellowship period.
  8. Must commit a minimum of 75% time to research during the fellowship period.
  9. Must not exceed the maximum number of two applications from a single sponsor/mentor/principal investigator during any given application cycle.
  10. Please note that the eligibility criteria for the Ben J. Lipps Research Fellowship Program have been updated.

Extension Requests

KidneyCure will accept extension requests for the five-year and three-year eligibility windows on a case-by-case basis. Applicants must submit supporting documentation for requests, which can include family care responsibilities, medical concerns, disability, natural disasters, and active-duty military service.

An automatic 12-month extension will be applied per childbirth during the postdoctoral training period. All parents, including those who adopt, are eligible for this particular extension.

To be submit an extension request, please email prior to the application deadline.

Funding and Stipulations

The Ben J. Lipps Research Fellowship Program provides each nephrology fellow with $50,000 per year for up to two years, to begin on July 1 of the award year. Funds must be used only for salary support and fringe benefits. Funds cannot be used for project costs, travel expenses, or overhead costs. Recipients cannot hold another training grant or be included on an institutional training grant. Institutional support of the applicant sufficient to complete the project is permitted and expected.

Each recipient must submit a progress and financial report by May 1 of the first year. Second year funding is contingent on a satisfactory progress report. A final progress and financial report must be submitted at the end of the second year.


A complete application must contain the following documents:

  1. Contact information and project title
  2. Applicant's Biosketch (using a KidneyCure provided modified NIH biosketch format)
  3. Sponsor's Biosketch (using a KidneyCure provided modified NIH biosketch format)
  4. Research Plan (using KidneyCure provided template)
  5. Letter of support from sponsor
  6. Letter from institution stating that the applicant has permission to submit the application.
  7. Two additional letters of support (submitted blindly)

Please refer to the application instructions before logging in as the application has changed.

Review Process Overview

  1. Application opens (fall)
  2. Application deadline (early winter)
  3. Peer review process (winter)
  4. Committee meeting (early spring)
  5. Award notifications (spring)

Named Fellowships

The Ben J. Lipps Research Fellowship Program funds 10 fellows at $50,000 a year for up to two years to conduct original, meritorious research projects including:
  • Five Ben J. Lipps Research Fellows, named for Fresenius Medical Care's CEO and Chairman of the Management Board (1999 – 2012)*
  • One Sharon Anderson Research Fellow, named by the American Society of Nephrology for ASN's first female president*
  • One Joseph A. Carlucci Research Fellow, named by the American Renal Patient Care Foundation, Inc. for the Chairman and CEO of American Renal Associates
  • One Jared J. Grantham Research Fellow, named by the PKD Foundation and the American Society of Nephrology for the co-founder of the PKD Foundation and the founding Editor-in-Chief of JASN*
  • One Dimitrios G. Oreopoulos Research Fellow, named by Baxter in honor of a physician, researcher, and pioneer in peritoneal dialysis innovation*
  • One George B. Rathmann Research Fellow, named by Amgen in honor of its founding CEO*
  • One Donald E. Wesson Research Fellow, named by the American Society of Nephrology for a leading clinician, researcher, educator, and mentor*
  • One KidneyCure Research Fellow

*will be funded in 2025

Corporate Support

The Ben J. Lipps Research Fellowship Program is fully endowed by contributions provided by Fresenius Medical Care, ASN, the American Renal Patient Care Foundation, Inc., Amgen, Baxter, and the PKD Foundation.


Please contact KidneyCure with any questions at